Telecommunications Trends 2018

Telecommunications Trends 2018


The communications’ industry is improving every day and it’s important to keep abreast of the latest trends to benefit your business needs. Here are some of the top telecommunications’ trends to keep on top of this year.

Telecommunications Trends

1. IoT (Internet of Things)

It’s estimated that by 2020, somewhere between 29 and 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet, and this will have a major impact on the communications’ industry. Where telecommunications used to be voice, video and messaging from person-to-person or person-to-machine, the Internet of Things (IoT) will expand this to a larger application such as the smart home or even smart city.

Read more: IoT and Fibre

2. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and 5G Networks

There will be improved network technology such as 5G networks which improves the reliability of VoIP by cancelling out dropped calls and echoes. The incorporation of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is also becoming a reality, used for real-time data analysis, improved voice assistance and even basic customer service.

3. Fibre Optic

South Africa is experiencing the rollout of fibre optic which is a boost for the telecommunications’ industry. Through the introduction of fibre optic cables, telecommunications links can be made over much greater distances with much lower levels of loss in transmission. Fibre optical communications has also allowed for much higher data rates.

Read more: Benefits of upgrading to business fibre

4. Security

As telecommunications advances technologically, cyber threats and data breach become increasing concerns, but there will be enhanced security measures to meet this threat. Customers will be calling for proactive protection and modern telecommunications offer a number of reliable services. These include biometric fingerprint readers, as well as facial or retinal recognition.

5. Augmented and Virtual Reality

It’s fortunate that fibre optic cabling is being accelerated countrywide as data use is expected to soar with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technology increasing. Unlike conventional video streaming, AR and VR require high bandwidth. Where VR creates a more illusory sense of presence through computer-generated simulation, AR allows people to access digital information in their real-world environments.

When choosing a telecommunications’ provider, ask about the various technologies they are using and how they are planning to adapt to the growing market and increasing technological trends. It’s vital, in this modern age, for businesses to continually adapt to the emerging consumer needs and preferences so don’t get locked into a contract with an outdated supplier.

ECN is a leading telecommunications partner in South Africa. ECN offers a broad set of cost effective voice, data and hosted services to meet our customers ever growing technological needs. Our market leading voice solutions provide our customers with the option of replacing their existing voice service provider to substantially reduce their monthly telecommunications bill. Contact ECN today for leading telecommunications solutions.

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