Fibre for Shopping Centres

Fibre for Shopping Centres

fibre for shopping centre

Where the option of free WiFi for shopping centre customers used to be an added bonus, clientele now expect internet accessibility as soon as they walk through the shopping centre doors. The enhanced performance of fibre over other internet options is placing it as the front runner throughout shopping centres countrywide. Here is why fibre for shopping centres is breaking ground.

Fibre for shopping centres

1. A boost for the retail sector

As South African retailers struggle to compete in a tough economic market, the ability to offer customers high-speed, reliable internet is a major competitive advantage. Besides drawing customers into the shopping centre initially, fibre connectivity also has the ability to retain customers for a much longer duration. This is key to retail productivity and why fibre in shopping centres is a must.

Read more: Fibre for small business

2. Online platform to physical stores

While online shopping is extending its footprint in South Africa, it still accounts for a small percentage of all retail transactions. With the introduction of fibre into shopping centres nationwide, more people are likely to go online to check the products and services available, but they are often using this as a reference point. From here, customers will often visit the physical store at a shopping centre to consider the options. This means that the introduction of fibre is further facilitating the movement of customers to shopping centres.

3. Meaningful customer engagement

Management at shopping centres can enhance the customer experience by cleverly engaging customers through digital platforms – all of which is made possible through fibre. Central digital management systems can control the shopping centre’s website, mobile apps and WiFi offerings. Fibre allows for notifications about sales and specials to be sent directly to customers and they can even go so far as to offer digital games, treasure hunts and fun rewards.

4. Security controls

With the inclusion of fibre in shopping centres, management can also enjoy enhanced interaction directly with store owners and staff. Security alerts and shopping centre news items can be quickly and easily disseminated. This creates a cohesive work environment, particularly important in large shopping centres.

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5. Enhanced internet performance

Free WiFi is a massive drawcard for customers, but if it’s slow, unreliable internet, then customers are not going to return. With fibre, there is more bandwidth, enhanced speed and the option of scalability. In vast shopping centres with thousands of customers using the internet at any given time, fibre is most effective option. It’s fast, reliable and scalable.

6. Cost-effective for shopping centres

Fibre optic cables are not affected by weathering; they withstand electrical interference; they are not removed and sold on the black market; and they require less equipment and maintenance. All this results in big savings on cost in the long run. Compared with all the other internet options, fibre has the biggest savings for any shopping centre.

When it comes to internet accessibility at shopping centres, fibre is the best connection for managers, store owners and customers alike. The accessibility will draw customers through the doors, and the fast, reliable provision will keep customers on site. Customers have an improved shopping experience, store owners are seeing more productivity, and shopping management has a thriving centre with better in-house communication.

ECN is a leading telecommunications partner in South Africa. ECN offers a broad set of cost effective voice, data and hosted services to meet our customers ever growing technological needs. Our market leading fibre solutions provide our customers with many options to suit their needs and pockets. Contact ECN today for leading telecommunications solutions.

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