
ECN a division of Reunert Limited has a whistle-blowing programme that gives employees and suppliers the opportunity to anonymously report perceived cases of unethical practice. If you suspect any wrongdoing such as theft, bribery, anti-competitive behaviour, intimidation, corruption or fraud within Reunert or any of its companies please report it to the Deloitte Tip-off line. […]

ECN Overview

Established in 2005 and the leading next generation IP network, ECN is a South African company that has been identified as a major player in the delivery of converged voice solutions.

The Society for Animals In Distress

It should be established at the outset that The Society for Animals in Distress (SAID) is not a ‘homing’ organization. And only by visiting our special farm is one able to appreciate the uniqueness of our dynamic Society. As a major non-profit provider of professional veterinary services since 1958.