8 VoIP Trends for 2023

8 VoIP Trends for 2023

If you’re considering new equipment for the New Year, then VoIP (Voice over internet protocol) is the leading form of communications technology for business.  And, in 2023, there are some exciting new developments we can look forward to around this technology. Here are 8 leading trends in VoIP we’re expecting.


What is VoIP?

This form of technology connects phone users through an internet connection rather than the old-school analogue system. VoIP converts the voice signal into a digital signal which is then transferred across the internet connectivity. This is a much more reliable and cost-effective telecommunication option for businesses.


What trends can we expect in VoIP in 2023?

If you already have a VoIP system, then here’s what you can look forward to. If you don’t have a VoIP system as yet, then here are a few reasons why you’re going to want to install one.


1.     Artificial Intelligence (AI) in VoIP

Across every industry, we’re starting to see AI technology making its way in, advancing the way things are being done and making operations more seamless. In VoIP, we can expect AI integration in software in the form of chatbots that automate complex operations. AI technology will also manage call traffic, route calls to available operators, and improve the quality of calls.


2.     Mobile in VoIP

Hybrid and remote work operations have shifted the technological needs and that’s why we’re seeing more mobility in VoIP. Mobile VoIP comes with innovative features such as collaboration tools, virtual assistants and video conferencing.


3.     Data merge for VoIP

Improving the customer experience is a priority for most businesses in 2023, and with the ability of VoIP systems to merge with your existing software, this should be a priority for you too. VoIP can integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) platforms to analyse data and use this for a more tailored customer experience in future.


4.     Language recognition for VoIP

The aforementioned AI technology is assisting with machine learning and language recognition for VoIP. If you run a global operation, then having language recognition capabilities is extremely beneficial. Your customers can contact you, no matter their language of preference, with VoIP re-routing the calls where they need to go.


5.     Use of 5G networks for VoIP

We’ve witnessed the rollout of 5G in South Africa and the prevalence of this connection makes VoIP much more in demand. The reason is that, with improved internet and bandwidth, video conferencing and other communication capabilities are vastly improved.


6.     Increased VoIP security

With the transference of large amounts of data across VoIP networks, you can expect to see more cybersecurity measures being implemented industry-wide. This is because, wherever there is data with high-risk information, there is a threat of hacking. Considering the rise of cyber threats like ransomware, advanced security systems will be a trend in VoIP.


7.     Omnichannel support with VoIP

Customers want to connect with businesses on their preferred platform, whether it’s a messaging app, email or direct phone calls. Fortunately, we’re seeing VoIP systems supporting multiple communication channels to provide an omnichannel service. This is also beneficial for internal communication, particularly with hybrid work conditions.


8.     VoIP for small business

Where VoIP was once considered a must for corporations, the scalability of VoIP will see it adopted more and more by smaller businesses in 2023. This provides start-ups with a professional communication tool that supports remote working and fewer lines. When needed, VoIP can be scaled up to accommodate business growth.


Get with the trends by adopting VoIP for better business connectivity in 2023. Contact the industry specialists, ECN, today for all your communication needs.

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