Cloud Phone System Guide

Your business needs an efficient and easy-to-use communication system to keep you competitive, and your customers satisfied. A cloud-based phone system is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes, with more and more modern businesses considering the switch. Here is a complete guide to cloud phone systems, outlining what these systems do, the many […]

Fibre for Schools

Fibre in schools

South African schools are increasingly moving away from the technophobic, teacher-dominated classroom setting and taking advantage of the incredible educational opportunities afforded by the digital age. Interactive smart boards, cleverly designed lessons incorporating tablets and cellphones, as well as the collating of marks and overall assessments, all rely on internet connectivity. However, one of the […]

Load Shedding and Fibre

Loadshedding and fibre

Once again South Africans are having to face the dark reality of ongoing load shedding and, considering we’ve already escalated to Stage 4, it doesn’t look like it’s going away anytime soon. There are many disadvantages to the intermittent energy supply, one of which is the electrical surges and resultant damage to appliances. Unfortunately, these […]